Wednesday, February 1, 2012

There are a ton of simple machines, there are 3 shown here. The three are: Lever, Pully, and Wheel & Axle. The lever is sometimes a compond machine. There are three classes of levers: 1st- Load, Fulcrum, and Effert. 2nd- Fulcrum, Load, and Effort. 3rd-Fulcrum, effort, and Load.
The pulley can change direction. But, it has three diferent things you need. A pulley, a rope(or cable), and a load. The load can be anything. A two wheel pulley has to have, well, two pulleys. You'll have to have two pulleys to pull a havier load.
The wheel & axle has a fulcrume in the middle. The wheel can be round, or rectanguler. There are a lot of different simple machines.

1 comment:

  1. i really liked your drawing at the bottom! what about the load and effort for the pulley and wheel & axle - where are they!?
